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It’s June and guess what?! We are half way through the year already! The new year has come and gone already- 6 months ago! And, one of the many non-negotiables of ringing in the New Year is doing your list of resolutions.
Everyone is always thrilled to grasp the idea of having a great start to be the better, grander versions of themselves–and yes, we’re also looking at all of you who find the concept cliche and cheesy! While having solid plans (like being wiser when it comes to managing your finances or finally working for that bod you’ve always wanted) are good, resolutions don’t always need to have tangible results.
In a time where self-care is as prized and acknowledged as other goals, the new year is also the perfect time to start paying more attention in taking care of yourself.
Was self-care one of your resolutions this year? If yes, then read on to get fresh ideas on how and where to start even if it is 6 months passed:
1. Delegate a “Me” time in your schedule.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life sometimes that we don’t even notice we’re being overloaded already. Dedicating a “me” time in your schedule will not only let you catch up to yourself and relax, it will also give you the window to put everything back in focus. Put a day in your calendar every week where you can do anything you want, whether it’s binge-watching Netflix or swimming laps at the pool. You will be thanking yourself for giving yourself a breather from all the responsibilities that often pile up your plate.
2. Listen to your body.
Are you suffering from a long-running pain? Have you been feeling sluggish for quite some time now? Now is the right time to get it checked. If you really want to be the best version of yourself, you need to be at the top of your physical AND mental health to do it. Visit your doctor or schedule a therapy appointment. Many people think that doing these is just a waste of time and money, but you’ll be removing more problems that could possibly spring in the future if you give yourself this attention.
3. Find your passion.
And do it. This sounds as cliche as it is vague but happiness really does cost a lot of effort and self-reflection. So you don’t like the job you have now. You don’t really need to quit, but at least you can start making a conscious move to pursue something you really want. Look up openings, take up classes, or do something you really want as a sideline. Following your passion isn’t really that easy especially if you have bills to pay and life happening in general, but you’ll be doing yourself a favor if you adopt a proactive approach in finding and pursuing something that makes you innately happy.
4. Marie Kondo your space.
Miss Kondo is not kidding about the power of getting rid of things that no longer make you happy. That seemingly harmless clutter of unused clothes in your closet? Their existence is not only oversaturating your space, they also affect how you move about your own home. You don’t really need to throw them away though. If you have developed an emotional attachment to your clutter, you can opt to donate–maybe even sell them! This way, you’ll be comforted by the idea that someone else can cherish them as much as you do.
5. Cut off your toxic relationships.
It’s not only physical clutter that you should be taking care of. Toxic relationships, like an abusive affair or unhealthy friendship requires the same attention, if not more. Dealing with these kinds of connections cause stress that seeps into your daily life and affects your overall well-being. Besides, you can’t really expect to flourish if you are surrounded by people and situations who are not pushing positive aura into your direction. Nobody will hate you for being merciless about your own happiness.
6. Pick up a hobby.
It doesn’t matter if it’s something big, like finally starting a sport or small like learning how to cook. Find something you love doing outside of the need for making your everyday living. So many people often think that burying themselves knee-deep into work is the key to feeling fulfilled, but starting to do something you really love outside of that part of your life that is always worrying about bills or savings can put your perspective into better focus. Do something for yourself without any pressure. It doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad at it. If you’re happy, then that’s all that really matters.
7. Finish something.
Do you have a load of books you’ve started but not quite finished reading? Have you been putting off lessons in the middle of taking them? Our generation’s obsession with glorifying the concept of being busy comes with the cost of starting a million things but not finishing them. There’s just so many things to try, it’s almost second nature to be distracted by a new interest. Take your time. Sometimes, adopting too many activities–whether work or hobbies–can do you more harm than good. Focus on one thing first and finish it. The feeling of fulfillment can do you a lot of good mentally and emotionally.
8. Draw the line between your personal life and social media persona.
We know this is difficult because how can we live without scrolling through our feeds in a day?! Social media has brought upon it many advantages–it made the world smaller and opened up a stream of information to everyone–but it does have its set of downsides. One of the costs of being constantly connected is that we can get lost on the image we put out there, as well as the lives of those people we interact with on the web. Cut yourself off, even temporarily, especially if you’re starting to feel more invested on what you project to what’s happening to you in real life. And always remember not to take everything you see to heart. Your friend is most likely living the time of her life at the Bahamas right now, but she’s just a regular person like you who has to write checks and fold the laundry after her vacation is over.
9. Develop a beauty routine.
We are often bombarded with beauty tips that tell us how to achieve our best looks but no, you don’t really need to do that 10-step beauty routine if you don’t think it is for you. Getting some guidance and taking suggestions is good, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who will really know what works best for you. If using a facial mask every day makes your skin feel great, then go for it. If you think warm water and a drugstore facial wash suffices, however, then stick to that routine. Never mind those who swear by spending two hours every day for their nighttime beauty ritual.
10. Wear something you’ve always wanted to wear.
But never really had the confidence to try. We all have that go-to, tried and tested fashion equation, but wearing a style you’ve always aspired to have won’t hurt. It’s a show of confidence, a way of telling the world that you can wear what you want, regardless of what other people might say. Who knows, you might find a new look that can add spice to your regular style arsenal.
11. Challenge your mundane routines.
There is nothing wrong with following a certain routine. However, sticking to it for a long time can make you feel too comfortable, which, in turn, can cause you to slack off. Change things up every now and then. You don’t even need to make major changes. Something as simple as waking up early or getting your coffee first before taking a shower can give your day the shake-up it needs.
12. Set your personal boundaries.
There is a difference between being a good friend and overtaxing yourself by being always emotionally-available to someone. It is easy to feel guilty if you have a friend who needs support, especially if they have been there for you during your tough times, but you’ll end up draining yourself if you force to be there for someone when you’re not emotionally and psychologically prepared. There will be times when you feel like you can’t handle other’s needs–and you need to acknowledge that this doesn’t make you a bad person. At the end of the day, honoring your personal boundaries and prioritizing your emotional health can make you a much more effective friend.
13. Do something that scares you.
This one sounds like the exact opposite of self-care, but challenging yourself to push your limits is a good and effective way to change your life up a bit and move forward. Regardless of whether your decision will end up in success or failure, doing bold actions can be psychologically-enriching. So apply for that job you’ve always wanted or cut your hair short. No matter how big or small your decision is, it will make you realize that fear is temporary and the effects of overcoming it are lasting.
14. Eat healthy.
It’s true what they say: what you eat also affects how you look and feel. While not all of us are big fans of vegetables—we mean, have you tasted garlic bread?!—it’ll be good for you to be more conscious of what you take in. Are you taking more carbs than usual? Are you bingeing too much on sugar? You don’t really need to do a total overhaul of your diet, but you can feel more in touch with your body if you adopt healthier eating habits. If you want, you can also delegate a detox day just to give your system a cleanse.
15. Avoid negativity.
The people you surround yourself with and the environment you spend most of your time on has a direct effect on your overall aura and mood. It’s difficult to do follow this resolution if you can’t entirely separate yourself from the situation (for example, your workplace) but you can avoid the drama by distancing yourself from situations that do not contribute positively into your life and well-being (e.g. gossiping and office politics). Don’t give in to peer pressure. It may be easier to fit in somewhere by befriending that toxic group of officemates, but you’ll be doing your emotional health a disservice in the long run if you do.
16. Start a journal.
Or if that’s too old school for you, get a good day jar where you can drop off a piece of paper where you have written one thing you’ve accomplished. It is human nature to be overwhelmed when you’re having a bad day, so make it a habit to jot down positive things so you can review them when you need some reminding of the better aspects of your life.
17. Give yourself time to be lazy.
Yes, even if it means skipping all these self-care resolutions and just doing whatever you want to do for the day. The downside of being so serious about resolutions sometimes is that they can turn into chores, which, in turn, make them counterproductive. Be forgiving about giving yourself space because even this can help with your self-improvement. The key is to keep a healthy balance. Give yourself time to relax–but not to the point that you leave your other goals in the back burner!
18. Forgive yourself.
To practice self-care means to understand yourself better—limits, possibilities, the whole spectrum. Practice being more forgiving to yourself whenever you feel like you have failed and save yourself from the mental and emotional stress caused by over-worrying. Know and understand that there is always a next time to bounce back from any slip-up and that making mistakes isn’t a bad thing, as long as you learn from them.
Starting your journey to better self-care doesn’t need any special timing. At the end of the day, it is more than just a list of resolutions, but an awareness that requires a total lifestyle and mental change. Even if you fell off track during the year let this post be your push to try and start over again!
” It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Confucius
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