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TruSkin Vitamin C Serum Review

truskin vitamin c serum

These days, skincare routines have been getting more and more complex. Back in the day, the biggest and most important advice was to simply use moisturizer on a daily basis. Then, as time wore on, step after step got added on. Use toner. Don’t forget sun block. Use a vitamin C serum. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate! Does it ever end?

The fact is, despite all the hassle of adding step after step, there is a purpose. Every recommended step that is added to a beauty routine offers its own benefits. The fact of the matter is, toning helps in its own way. Exfoliation has tons and tons of benefits that people never stop talking about (because hey, it’s all true!). Sun block keeps you from aging and coming down with skin cancer. And vitamin C serums offer all sorts of benefits all on their own.

In today’s review, we’ll be talking about vitamin C serums. Well, one serum in particular – a product that is such a phenomenal bestseller that it’s been featured on so many TV segments, YouTube videos, (web) magazines, and blogs. We’re talking about TruSkin Vitamin C serum, a product that has been touted as having the most five star reviews on Amazon. Indeed, it does get a heck of a lot of hype! And today, we will be taking a closer, more in-depth look at it, so we can see just why that is.

So, what do you think? Is the hype real, or is it unwarranted? Let’s take a closer look at this incredibly popular serum and see for ourselves!

Vitamin C Serum Benefits

A lot of ingredients used in skincare are supposedly incredibly good for the skin. They promise to offer one benefit after another – clearer skin, softer skin, more radiant skin, glowy skin, smoother skin with fewer wrinkles… you get the point. But so many people these days always recommend making use of a vitamin C serum. Dermatologists have even begun prescribing these serums in recommended skincare regimens. And truth be told, it’s truly for a good reason.

Before we get talking about TruSkin Vitamin C Serum for face, first we do want to take a look at why you should be using such a serum. So now, let’s take a quick look at vitamin C serum benefits, shall we?

How Exactly Does Vitamin C Serum Work? And Just How Can it Help?

Vitamin C is found in so many different things. These days, it’s truly no longer only found in your morning orange juice or your effervescent (or even chewable) vitamin supplements. Indeed, this important vitamin is now being added to all sorts of products, including skincare that people use on a daily basis. This is because this antioxidant, Vitamin C, is rather potent. Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals that our bodies generate when we are exposed to particular conditions, such as UV rays (the sun) and pollution.

Finding a balance between antioxidants and free radicals is paramount. This is because free radicals running, well, free in the body can cause oxidative stress. Free radicals can then impact our DNA negatively. The same would happen to our proteins and our lipids. The result is a variety of health problems, cell damage, a disruption in our skin’s ability for self-repair, and slowed collagen production.

Vitamin C supplements taken orally can all help with the above aforementioned problems that free radicals may bring. And, of course, applying vitamin C to our skin (in our skin care routine) can also help in its own way.

In essence, Vitamin C serums can help to make the skin brighter and more radiant. Not just because of its topical effect, but also because it helps in lessening free radicals in the body. To know how these serums work, let’s take a look at each of the vitamin C serum benefits.


Surely, by now we already know that Vitamin C helps a lot with anti-aging purposes. Fact is, precious Vit C helps to stimulate the skin’s natural collagen production. This process begins to slow as we start to age, which is why topically applying a serum can help. When a skincare preparation is applied, Vitamin C works overtime to boost collagen production back up to where it used to be. This results in increased skin elasticity, which then directly benefits the smoothness of the skin. More collagen means fewer wrinkles, after all!


If the skin is suffering from hyper-pigmentation, vitamin C can be really helpful. Serums containing this nutrient help in fighting pigmentation because vit C helps to inhibit an enzyme. The tyrosinase enzyme production is inhibited, which then helps in preventing the production of melanin. As a result, you get dark spots evening out, without your skin tone getting lightened over all.

Acne & Acne Scarring

One of the biggest Vitamin C serum benefits is to help with problematic skin. Dermatologists happily prescribe vitamin C serum for acne, as it can help with also lightening the scars that acne leaves behind. You see, vitamin C acts as an anti-inflammatory. Furthermore, bit C also helps in reducing redness associated with acne – whilst simultaneously helping to clear it up too. And so you get a marked improvement in skin texture, to boot.

Exfoliating prior to applying the serum can be really helpful in your skin absorbing Vitamin C better. Just make sure that you look for the best vitamin C serum for acne prone skin (we’ll find out whether TruSkin qualifies for that title shortly).

Should you use a vitamin c serum for oily skin? Experts say yes – making use of an organic vitamin c serum (or actually, even if it’s not organic) can help lessen oiliness and the risk of comedones.

Sun Damage Protection

The best vitamin C serum for acne prone skin will also help in protecting against sun damage. In fact, it may even be able to reverse some sun damage that has already occurred in the past. Just don’t expect it to work miracles. And of course, remember that a vit C serum will not protect you against the UV rays. After all, it’s not a sun screen! Remember to still use SPF when you use your serum in order to completely protect yourself from the harsh UV rays of our sun.

TruSkin Vitamin C Serum for Face – Worth the Hype or Overhyped?

We’ve come to the most important part of this article – answering the question as to whether the TruSkin serum is worth the hype! Often, products that are backed by a ton of hype tend to disappoint in many ways. People all ride the hype train, then might convince themselves that a product is actually far better than it really is. Let’s take a look and see if the same applies for this consistent Amazon Best Seller.

About The Product

The TruSkin Naturals Vitamin C Serum is plant-based. The formula is free of any synthetic additives. Skincare addicts (and purists) as well as those with sensitive skin rejoice – this serum also happens to be fragrance free! This product makes a few bold claims, seen below:

  • Refreshes the skin by helping to diminish any fine lines and wrinkles
  • Got dark spots? They’ll start going away too, along with your sun spots that you got spending time doing some ill-advised sun bathing
  • Moisturizing
  • Anti-inflammatory to help reduce skin irritation from acne

This serum makes all of the above promises and more. They claim to be able to do this thanks to the special formulation which includes a number of natural ingredients with plenty of benefits.

The fact that this formulation is natural (no synthetic additives) and fragrance-free is truly fantastic. So many products these days tend to be filled to the brim with perfumes and fragrances which can trigger reactions in sensitive skin. Some people who were never previously sensitive may even find themselves reacting to fragrances at any point in time. So truly, it’s such a great benefit to this product indeed.

A Quick Look at Ingredients

We won’t be going too in depth with looking at the ingredients of this serum, but we’ll go over them quickly just to make a note of the benefits they bring!

  • Vitamin C – of course, you would expect that this powerful anti-oxidant would be in this serum. It’s the star of the show, after all!
  • Hyaluronic Acid – helps to hydrate the skin and prevent dryness. This ingredient makes this product a great vitamin c serum for oily skin (because in some cases, the oiliness is caused by overly dry skin).
  • Vitamin E – another powerful antioxidant, this ingredient is frequently found in many skincare products. It’s truly no surprise that it’s been included in this formulation, too.
  • Witch Hazel – This ingredient offers a ton of benefits all on its own. Using this extract can help in lessening redness and skin irritation. It’s also fantastic for fighting off inflammation. Plus, it can really help with fighting off acne and the like.

What Are People Saying?

So what exactly do people think about this product? Well, the numerous reviews left by happy customers sing their praises. Over nine thousand people have left their review on the product, and out of all of these reviews a good seventy five percent are 5 stars! Here’s what we’ve gathered about it:


  • Truly effective natural formula with a great price
  • Comparable to professional skin care products
  • Helps with skin tone, clarity, and texture
  • Does help with decreasing some wrinkles and fine lines


  • Doesn’t work for everyone – just like any other skincare product. But hey, the countless 5 star reviews are a testament to its quality!

The combination of all of these ingredients help TruSkin Naturals’ serum to truly deliver on its promises. And of course, the best part of all of this is the fact that it’s all natural, so you don’t have to feel worried about synthetics!

Tips and Tricks

Vitamin C serums are simple to use, really. Just apply them on your skin after you’ve cleansed and toned! But of course, there are a few things that may help to improve the effectiveness of this serum for you. Let’s take a look at some of them.

  • Exfoliation can make a huge difference in using a vit C serum. Regularly removing dead skin cells will make it easier for the serums to penetrate your skin, which then has the effect of making them work better.
  • It’s usually recommended to use an organic vitamin C serum in the morning after cleansing and toning. Then, you can layer on your moisturizers and your sun protection products. There are some concerns that this vitamin might increase your susceptibility to sun sensitivity, so a sunblock will really help prevent future problems.
  • Speaking of layering, it’s certainly possible to layer vitamin C products with other skincare preparations. In fact, dermatologists will even recommend using a serum in conjunction with other complementing nutrients like Niacinamide (that’s a story for another time).

Final Thoughts

A great vitamin C serum can really make a huge difference in the texture or appearance for your skin. And it really does appear like TruSkin Vitamin C serum is a massive hit for a good reason. The only thing we can say is if you’re looking for a serum to help you specifically with one skincare problem, it may be good to open up your options for other products that may be formulated exactly for those purposes. It can’t hurt!

Other than that, we can definitely say that TruSkin delivers on its promises. Its ingredients when combined all work together to bring softer, smoother, younger-looking skin that simply radiates. If you want to find out for yourself if it works for you, give it a shot – what could you lose?

And of course, remember that when you’re using your Vitamin C products, you should never forget your sunscreen. Also, wait 1-2 minutes after applying your serum before layering on another product!

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